
09 September 2020

Strategies for a Happier, More Productive #WritersLife

A productive writer is a happy writer - or so they say. But at some point, you might find something missing from your writer's life. Or perhaps your work is not progressing the way you think it should. It happens to the best of us. Here are some strategies that have helped me along the way to a happier, more productive writer's life.

Set Goals
As with all writing, I like to set goals along the way. If I'm working on my next book, I might designate daily taskers, like printing my manuscript and reading the current draft - maybe a chapter or two per day. When I complete said task, I move on to the next goal to get closer to publishing that book.

Establish Deadlines
Whether it is reaching a certain word count by the end of the day or meeting a submission deadline for an article, setting deadlines can help you keep on track. 

Reading is not just a relaxing pastime. It can also show you what's already available and quite possibly give you ideas for your next story. Plus, you support your fellow writers and the literary community as a whole. 

Modify Your Writing Habits
I continuously revise my writing habits, looking for ways to improve. My latest obsession is keeping notes on my phone. So far, it's worked quite well for me, consolidating my ideas, references, and information all in one place. And just to make sure I don't lose everything, I like to back up those notes to an external hard-drive regularly. If something doesn't work for you, then change it up, find out what does. 

Take Baby Steps
Even on my craziest days, when time to write is nowhere to be found, I like to challenge myself to get at least one writing-related activity done. Be it reading a book about the art of writing or brainstorming ideas. Every little step will bring you closer to your goal.

Connect with Other Writers
Although I'm a bit of an introvert, I am happiest with my writer's life when I've got a group of writers to fall back on. Granted, not all writers want to sociable. Still, if you are fortunate, you can find a few writer friends out there that you can trust to commiserate with you when you're having a bad day or ask for a second opinion. You don't even have to meet them in person; you can always connect with other writers online - which definitely feeds into my introverted nature.

Attend a Workshop
Traveling isn't always easy, especially these days. But planning a trip to attend a workshop can give you something to look forward to. And should traveling be impossible, you can still participate in a virtual event. Plus, some of those expenses involved can be tax-deductible. 

Believe in your abilities
We are all our own worst critics. Telling ourselves that we're out of our league. But no matter what you believe, you never truly know until you give it a whirl. So, no matter the dream, give it your all, work hard, and stop belittling yourself!

Piper is the author of several non-fiction books, and recently added five historical fiction novels to her ever-expanding collection of published writings, In the Shadow of Her MajestyThe Country Girl EmpressA Life in the Shadow of the Crown, The Perpetual Traveler, and Excerpts from the Imperial Diary. When she isn't busy typing on her computer, she can be found chasing after her furry children or holding on tightly to a good cup of coffee. Follow her on LinkedInFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads.
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  1. Great post, Piper! I especially love the section about modifying our writing habits. Sometimes we get into autopilot mode with our writing habits and don't even realize a refresh could make us more productive, and more importantly, happier!!! Lately I've been looking at my habits and trying to make shifts that make my writing day better. So important!

    1. Thank you, Angela! It's definitely important to mix things up once in a while. Otherwise, we become stagnant and ultimately grow bored, and a bored writer is not a good thing. =)

  2. Every point here resonates with me. Even though I'm in lull now, I take some time everyday to read, respond to other blogs, and take a walk outside. Great words, Piper: So, no matter the dream, give it your all, work hard, and stop belittling yourself! ;-)

  3. Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Marian! Hope your lull won't last much longer. There's so much fun stuff out there to do and see... =)
