
04 March 2020

Month in Review - February 2020

Wow...hard to believe that February has already come and gone! St. Patrick's Day and Daylight Saving Time are just around the corner. But before any of that happens, let's recap last month. So now, without further ado, here's the list of the most popular blog posts for February 2020, chosen by you, the readers:

Show your furry companions that you love them, with homemade Doggie Valentine's Day Cookies. They are made with all the things dogs love, such as peanut butter (please read the label beforehand and make sure it doesn't contain any artificial sweeteners, especially Xylitol), pumpkin puree (soothes the stomach) and coconut flour (an excellent grain alternative for dogs with allergies). Another drool-worthy dog treat that's easy to make...

2. Book Publishing: How to Review Your Proof Copy in Three Steps

When publishing a book, the moment of truth is simply inevitable. After all, it is the moment that you have anxiously awaited and probably even dreamed about. The printed proof copy of your book has finally arrived on your doorstep! That just happened to me…my newest historical fiction novel EXCERPTS FROM THE IMPERIAL DIARY - Book 4 of the Country Girl Empress series showed up on my door step yesterday. I'm just giddy with excitement...

3. #WritersLife: How to Write a Book in 14 Steps - Part One

One of the first questions I get from people when they find out I'm a writer is: How do you write a book? This article is meant to take the mystery out of the process a bit one part at a time. For so many people, writing a book has either been a lifelong ambition, or they've just been through a life-altering event that unlocked their need to communicate their experiences. Yet it seems to be one goal that's just out of reach for most of them. So is there a secret recipe that will unleash your creativity and help you write the book of your dreams? There are plenty of writers that would tell you that there is no single, set path to authorship, as everyone follows a unique way...

As long as I can remember I’ve always admired writers who can crank out thousands of words per day. When writing was merely my hobby, I often struggled to carve out time to write in between my day job, family, and life in general. But since writing has developed into something more I've learned that developing a daily writing habit helps to 1) make more money with your writing, 2) consistently produce quality content, and ultimately 3) achieve your writing goals...

5. #WritersLife: How to Write a Book in 14 Steps - Part Two

Welcome back to part two of #WritersLife: How to Write a Book in 14 Steps! One of the first questions I get from people when they find out I'm a writer is: How do you write a book? This article is meant to take the mystery out of the process a bit one part at a time...

Piper is the author of several non-fiction books, and recently added four historical fiction novels to her ever-expanding collection of published writings, In the Shadow of Her Majesty , The Country Girl EmpressA Life in the Shadow of the Crown, and The Perpetual Traveler. When she isn't busy typing on her computer, she can be found chasing after her furry children or holding on tightly to a good cup of coffee. Follow her on LinkedInFacebook, and Goodreads.
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