
18 May 2016

How to Describe a Person's Voice

And I'm back to my regular programming. On today's agenda is a list of words to describe a person's voice. Let's face it: When you write a novel, there's bound to be a lot of interpersonal communication pre-programmed. But, your characters shouldn't all sound the same in every situation. How to convey the differences? Since it's a book and not a movie or TV show, you do not have the advantage of auditory input. And that's where this list comes in handy. As always, this is not an all-inclusive list, so feel free to add to it in the comment section! 

- Angry
- Appealing
- Boisterous
- Breathless
- Brittle
- Croaky
- Dead
- Deep
- Disembodied
- Distinct
- Droning
- Dull
- Flat
- Gasping
- Grating
- Gravelly
- Gruff
- Guttural
- Harsh
- High-pitched
- Hoarse
- Husky
- Inaudible
- Low
- Matter-of-fact
- Monotonous
- Muffled
- Nasal
- Pained
- Penetrating
- Piercing
- Quiet
- Raspy
- Raucous
- Ringing
- Rough
- Shrill
- Silvery
- Slurred
- Small
- Smoky
- Strangled
- Taut
- Thick
- Thin
- Throaty
- Tight
- Tremulous
- Wheezy
- Wild

If you found this post useful you might also like these:

54 Ways to Say "Look"

75 Ways to Say "Great" 

by A. Piper Burgi

Piper is the author of military lifestyle books and RV travel journals. When she isn't busy typing away on her computer, she can be found chasing after her furry children or holding on tightly to a good cup of coffee. Follow her on LinkedInFacebookGoodreads and Google+.


  1. Great article! In my debut novel, "Johari's Window" I state, "there are a thousand colors in your voice," and let the reader imagine! Thanks. Suzy Davies, Author.

    1. Thank you, Suzy! Keep up the good work and Happy Writing! =)
